At last! The killer process for product designers
2 min readDec 10, 2019
Designers are always searching for that magic process that will get them the job of their dreams and cause perfect products to spew forth from their fingertips like unicorn sprinkles.
Whether you work in an Agile startup or a Fortune 500 behemoth, here’s the secret killer process in 30 simple steps:
- find out why this and why now?
- start with user needs
- assume that we’re wrong about a bunch of stuff
- do things to find out where and how we’re wrong
- set up the tightest feedback loop directly with customers/users that we can sustain
- get started trying things using conversations, phone calls, emails, and laborious manual processes
- be surprised and change things
- spend ages building and rebuilding shared understanding
- fill up with inspiration and sketch out dozens of other routes
- challenge our assumptions
- keep iterating as long as we can
- get real customers as soon as we can
- realise that a bunch of stuff you care loads about doesn’t really matter
- work small: cut things down to the bare minimum
- then throw it all away and build it again (once to learn, once to earn)
- question everything we believed about the universe
- zoom out wide and zoom in super detailed
- focus on the core learning loop for the user for much longer than feels comfortable
- realise that our customers are even more different than we thought
- reassess where we are, where we’re trying to go, and what the next tiny step towards that is … again and again
- start with the most complex and the riskiest stuff — never the obvious stuff
- go back to the user need — how might we meet that more easily? Without tech? How are they meeting it now?
- realise none of this list is a linear process — we have to jump around
- do user story mapping with the team
- find the “aha” moment and get there faster
- draw more things on paper
- spot the real crux of everything was right there in the first set of interviews hidden in plain sight by our own cognitive dissonance
- tell the story of the experience
- rewrite the copy
- maybe open Figma?
The real “killer process” secret is this: there is no “killer process” secret.
If there is a secret, it’s simply this: