How to do Discovery and Delivery at the same time … with Pivot Triggers

Introducing a simple intervention that helps you dodge sunk cost bias as you escape from zombie initiatives

Tom Kerwin
16 min readJan 2, 2021
IF BS STOP … putting the leadership mechanisms in place to avoid zombie initiatives
A teeny aside before we dive in: I’ve presented Pivot Triggers in the context of digital product teams. But you can apply the idea to any project you’re doing, with others or by yourself.

If you give this a try, or you already do anything similar, hit reply and tell me – I’d love to hear about your experiences as I keep developing this.
Originally published at

Imagine. You have to break some news to your team. Picture their little faces all stacked up in the video call software as you say:

“Thanks for all your hard work over the past 8 months. I’m afraid this initiative didn’t work out how we hoped and we’re cancelling it. All your hard work … it’s going in the bin.”

What? Nobody would really say this, would they? Not outright. Not like that.

And yet this kind of situation — ideas killed too late, time and effort wasted — it happens all the time.

Before we get into how to avoid it, let’s first rewind to the beginning of those 8 months and see how and why this fate came to be …



Tom Kerwin

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